15.1 hands
15.1 hand black Tennessee Walking Horse mare who is a daughter of WGC Prides Sundance Star. Foaled 04/01/2000. She is solid black and has a deep striding backend. She is not broke to ride. She has a great set of papers and is a beautiful moving mare with great conformation. She has a great set of papers and is a beautiful moving mare with great conformation. World Champion bred mares are hard to fine.
Horse ID: 1022 Is Specific Horse: No Query Args: Array ( [post_type] => horse [posts_per_page] => -1 [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => OR [0] => Array ( [key] => horse_dam [value] => 1022 ) ) [meta_key] => date_foaled [orderby] => meta_value [order] => ASC ) Posts Found: 2