Mo’ Charter

Tennessee Walking Horse

Lineage: Private Charter x Mo Mischief
  • Foaled Date


  • Height

    15 hands

  • Status


Bright sorrel, 11 year old Tennessee Walking Horse mare, by Private Charter, out of a daughter of Motown Magic. Her grandsire is Prides Generator and great-grandsire is The Pusher C.G. on top, and she goes back to Prides Fashion H.W. and Sun’s Delight D. on the bottom. She is broke to ride and is great in the woods on trails. She is gentle and easy to catch in the pasture. She is just barely 15 hands. She has a great flat walk and a good easy racky saddle gait. She is the kind you can ride for hours and enjoy. She has had two foals and has been exposed to REFLECTION IN BLUE RSW, a homozygous blue roan Tennessee Walking Horse stud. Foaled 10/05/2009. I was surprised when I got to trade for her. If you are looking for the right kind, here she is in Sikeston, Missouri.

Pedigree for Mo’ Charter

Private Charter
Private Charter
Pride's Generator
Pride of Midnight HF
Midnight Sun
Pride Of Stanley
HF Spirits Nell
Spirit Of Midnight
Pusher's Lady Generator
The Pusher C.G.
Crawler's Generator
Mo Mischief
Motown Magic
Go Boy's Black Fury
Sundust Little Miss
Delight's Fashion Ann
Pride's Fashion H.W.
Delight's Ann W.

Offspring of Mo’ Charter

DLK Blu Prince

Blue roan colt

Foaled: 04/20/2021
Charter’s Beth

Buckskin Filly – 15.1 hands

Foaled: 05/08/2023
Horse ID: 760
Is Specific Horse: No
Query Args: Array
    [post_type] => horse
    [posts_per_page] => -1
    [meta_query] => Array
            [relation] => OR
            [0] => Array
                    [key] => horse_dam
                    [value] => 760


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    [orderby] => meta_value
    [order] => ASC

Posts Found: 2