
Family-Owned Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders in Missouri

Holmes Farm Walkers was officially born in 1994 when Jim Holmes (Papa) married my widowed grandmother, Margo Eby (MawMaw). They were both in education for over 20 years, Jim as an English teacher and Margo taught Home Economics. During one winter, Keenan Carlisle (Jim’s stepson in law) built all the infrastructure for Holmes Farm Walkers. Papa had a dream of breeding painted walking horses with the best natural gate in the business. Papa Holmes loved the show pen but knew the direction he needed to head into with TWH and the love of the trail. Many days after school Papa would saddle his favorite mare, Star, and take off down the road. Margo would watch on the porch waiting for his return. Over the years, Papa was always looking for the next wave in the trail horse market. His research through books and other breeders about color genetics began the search for a Perlino Stallion and that’s where “The Buck Starts Here.”

I am Kyle Carlisle, Jim Holmes’ grandson. I first have memories of Papa Holmes when I was 4 years old, however, he was at the hospital when I was born. I would spend nights with my MawMaw Eby and he would always come up and take us out to eat before going home. Their relationship began from that time on. As I was growing up, I would help him on the farm when I was not working on Rowcrop or playing sports. In 2006 I moved to Sikeston with my newlywed wife, Jessica, and our first born son, Kadin. I pursued my dream of a lawncare and landscaping business. For the last 18 years, we ran our company along with helping Papa feed horses and any other necessary tasks around the farm when he needed us. My passion for learning helped in the bond between Papa and I as he taught me about his horses and how his stallion could produce buckskins due to his genetic makeup.

In late 2022, my grandfather passed and he gifted us the opportunity to take over and run Holmes Farm Walkers. My wife and I prayed and made a plan on how we could best keep Papa’s legacy going. We set goals to develop our ability to reach more people, grow, and raise healthy and gentle Tennessee Walking Horses for trail lovers. We are dedicated to this and would love the opportunity to put you on a buckskin for your next adventure. Thank you from our family, Kyle and Jessica Carlisle.

We welcome you to HEC Ranch, the three pillar families together (Holmes, Eby, Carlisle).